Increasing the Amount of Natural Light in Your Home Offers Numerous Health Benefits

Natural Light

According to studies, the average American spends approximately 90% of each day indoors. During the summer months when the temperatures are at their highest and the winter months when those temperatures plummet, this percentage is increased.

The truth of the matter is, though, most of us would prefer the natural light emitted by the sun than the artificial lighting emitted by bulbs.

According to medical professionals, we need that natural lighting to boost our health. If you are considering remodeling projects for your home, you should opt for replacement windows and doors that increase the natural light within your home. Continue reading to learn why. 

Natural Lighting Increases Vitamin D Levels in the Body 

Vitamin D is often identified as the “sunshine vitamin”. This stems from the fact that when the skin is exposed to the light from the sun, it actually absorbs vitamin D.

This nutrient is not only critical to preventing the loss of bone, reducing the risk that heart disease will develop, and preventing certain types of cancers, it acts as both a vitamin and hormone that increases the strength of the body’s immune system.

If you choose replacement windows and/or replacement doors that allow more sunlight in your home, you will also be providing your body with a natural boost of vitamin D! 

Artificial Lighting Causes Many Health Complications That Can be Avoided with Natural Lighting

It has been discovered that there are negative health effects associated with artificial lighting. For example, fluorescent light bulbs may result in an elevated stress-based response among prone individuals. Compact fluorescent lights are known to cause migraines.

Additionally, eye strain is common among those that constantly utilize CFLs. Artificial lighting could increase the risk for obesity, the development of depression, diabetes, breast cancer, sleep disorders, and more.

By maximizing the amount of natural lighting in your home through replacement windows and/or replacement doors, you can reduce your risk for developing these issues dramatically. 

Natural Lighting Reduces Blood Pressure Levels in the Body 

According to statistics, approximately one adult out of every three in the United States has high blood pressure. High blood pressure could lead to serious health problems and health consequences.

Examples include heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure, and death. Sunlight is known to change the levels of nitric oxide in the skin and the blood. This helps to reduce blood pressure.

By increasing the amount of natural lighting that goes into your home with replacement windows and/or replacement doors, you may drop your blood pressure which will help you to avoid serious health problems and even death. 

Natural Lighting Is the Answer 

If you care about your health, you should focus on increasing the amount of natural sunlight in your home by replacing your windows and/or doors. In addition to the health benefits outlined above, increased natural lighting helps to reduce stress levels, anxiety, it provides a natural boost to your immune system, improves the mood, reduces pain levels, increases energy levels, and improves your vision.

For more information about replacement windows and replacement doors that will maximize the amount of natural light in your home, contact us here at 316 Direct Wholesale at: 316-201-9436

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